Wilson Freeman: Dutch Family
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0566.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0568-2.jpg
Wilson Freeman: Bastille Day
Wilson Freeman: Dutch Soldier
Wilson Freeman: Thinking
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0650.jpg
Wilson Freeman: A Gift from England to France
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0688.jpg
Wilson Freeman: Resistance
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0698.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0698-2.jpg
Wilson Freeman: Driving the Jeep
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0735.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0737.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0574.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0576.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0581.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0586.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0588.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0589.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0603.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0613.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0641.jpg
Wilson Freeman: IMG_0712.jpg