anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The soul of the rose
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Papa pillow...mama pillow...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: They won't go where I go...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The love story
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: My morning starts...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The fairy tale
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Simple things that color one's day...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Dogs think they're humans. Cats think they're gods.
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: La belle dame sans regrets...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: You say "WHY?", I say "WHY NOT?" :)
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: A Piece of Spring
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The poet is watching you
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The long way up...or down?
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Abandon the search for TRUTH; settle for a good FANTASY!
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: An old good friend of mine
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Under the Red Roof
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The RED Feeling
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Delicate beauty
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Discovering the light
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Chained forever
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Light in the window
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The BLACK and the WHITE
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Sepia mood
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Beautiful stranger...