anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Lake on Top of Aragats Mountain (around 3200 m)
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Amberd Fortress and Church (VII century AD)
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Syria, Lattakia
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Armenia, Aghveran
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Diving in the green
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Armenia, Aghveran
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Armenia, Aghveran
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: As the Birds See Us
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Aragats Mountain Lake
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Armenia, Aghveran
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Armenia, Aghveran
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Standing Alone
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Cold Mountain
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Flowing like a river...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Snows of Armenia
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Sun Sets Behind the Mountain Ararat
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Blue of the Night
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Snows of Armenia
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: When spring comes we'll be drinking coffee here :)
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Fall is Beautiful...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The perfect green
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Catch the clouds!
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: I'm back!!! :)
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: ...when we'll walk in fields of gold
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: The Land of Rocks
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Another day is over...
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: Life through the car window
anii579/ Ani_in Jordan: From Syria with LOVE