Andrew Jay: Turducken outta the oven
Andrew Jay: Iain's 2nd ever Yuengling beer
Andrew Jay: Watch it with the knife!
Andrew Jay: Oysters Bienville
Andrew Jay: Phillip's gotta take the call
Andrew Jay: Ramesh digs in to the oysters
Andrew Jay: Caught mid-scoop
Andrew Jay: Kelly & Phillip chat
Andrew Jay: Jay explains how to stir
Andrew Jay: Ramesh opens up the wine
Andrew Jay: Starting to cut
Andrew Jay: Turducken explanation
Andrew Jay: Cuttin' close up
Andrew Jay: Turducken layers
Andrew Jay: The spread
Andrew Jay: Stuffing!
Andrew Jay: Darla's Famous Sweet Potatahs
Andrew Jay: OK, Phillip actually did work
Andrew Jay: Andrea's 1st appearance
Andrew Jay: Another Darla hair flip!
Andrew Jay: Kelly's a cleanin'
Andrew Jay: The view
Andrew Jay: Another wide angle shot
Andrew Jay: What's behind door #1?
Andrew Jay: Andrea embellishes the story
Andrew Jay: Darla's enjoying...
Andrew Jay: One of the million jokes
Andrew Jay: More maniacal cleaning!
Andrew Jay: Celebrity most resembles...
Andrew Jay: Time out while on a date?