AndreaPucci: Primavera inglese / English Spring (Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom)
Michele Naro: Heidelberger Alte Brücke
N.E Photography: Robber fly
misszao33: Finistere - toit
AndreaPucci: Nuvole fiammeggianti / Flaming clouds (St. Paul's Cathedral, London, United Kingdom)
petercastleton: grand central Birmingham
AndreaPucci: Solo nei miei sogni / Only in my dreams (Bruges, West Flanders, Belgium)
Billy Currie: Stillness
BoblyP: rooftops, Xàtiva Photo Booth, le rencontres des arles Provence #france #streetphotography 
!!sahrizvi!!: yellow strom
Renee Rendler: Beehind the bee
Renee Rendler: August 1
Renee Rendler: Nightfall
alonsodr: Fleeting moments
BoblyP: Gullfoss
tis_wos: Fence
andyholmfirth: Dovestones
petercastleton: a pair of pears
Renee Rendler: More Snow
Desert_photographer: Colours of the Dancing Ambience in Rajasthan in India
angus clyne: Hermitage Path
angus clyne: Buachaille Etive Mhor
angus clyne: Winter Beech
angus clyne: Staffin Bay Ray
angus clyne: Skotland
alonsodr: Lean to survive
Seeing Visions: Cherries and Dandelions