Andre Woodard: The fall of Adolescence
Andre Woodard: Grace and Gonzalo
Andre Woodard: s o u l
Andre Woodard: Identity #6
Andre Woodard: untitled
Andre Woodard: He dreamt of flight
Andre Woodard: Fireworks on July 4th
Andre Woodard: Haphaestus the Destructive, God of Fire
Andre Woodard: Calliope the Writer, Muse of Poetry
Andre Woodard: Apollo the Artist, God of Music and Light
Andre Woodard: Zeus the Omnipotent, The Kings of Gods
Andre Woodard: Psycho (Collodian Wetplate)
Andre Woodard: Asteria the Dreamer, Titan of Falling Stars and Nocturnal Oracles
Andre Woodard: Menoetius the Berserk, Titan of Violent Anger
Andre Woodard: Prometheus, Creator of Mankind
Andre Woodard: Amechania the Vulnerable, Spirit of Helplessness
Andre Woodard: Aphrodite the Beautiful, Goddess of Love
Andre Woodard: Aether the Bright, God of Upper Air
Andre Woodard: Artemis the Pure, Goddess of Wilderness
Andre Woodard: LIGHTS!
Andre Woodard: The Deceiver
Andre Woodard: Personality
Andre Woodard: Queen of the Jungle
Andre Woodard: Jason Leger
Andre Woodard: Arlington
Andre Woodard: My Beautiful Sister