amy jane: ankle chaser
amy jane: bald eagle and osprey
amy jane: bittern vision
amy jane: blue flecked scales
amy jane: bobolink
amy jane: eastern kingbird
amy jane: greater yellowlegs
amy jane: infinite snake
amy jane: lesser yellowlegs
amy jane: marais des laiches
amy jane: savannah in the thicket
amy jane: wind in the ears
amy jane: wood duck up a tree
amy jane: eastern screech owl
amy jane: camouflage
amy jane: whose watching who
amy jane: size matters - cackling goose
amy jane: great horned owlets
amy jane: black tern
amy jane: blackpoll warbler
amy jane: ovenbird
amy jane: painted trillium
amy jane: solitary sandpiper
amy jane: Swainson's Thrush
amy jane: Veery at Pine Grove
amy jane: veery by the shore
amy jane: clay-coloured
amy jane: grasshopper sparrow
amy jane: intrepid
amy jane: sandhill flyover