American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1300
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1301-2
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1302
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1303
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1304-2
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1305
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1306
American Fisheries Society: 2019 AFS Fellows DSC_1308
American Fisheries Society: Excellence in Fisheries Education DSC_1309
American Fisheries Society: Stanley A. Moberly Award DSC_1311
American Fisheries Society: President’s Fishery Conservation Award DSC_1313
American Fisheries Society: President’s Fishery Conservation Award DSC_1316
American Fisheries Society: President’s Fishery Conservation Award DSC_1318
American Fisheries Society: Emmeline Moore Prize DSC_1320
American Fisheries Society: Emmeline Moore Prize DSC_1323
American Fisheries Society: Meritorious Service Award DSC_1330
American Fisheries Society: Carl R. Sullivan Fishery Conservation Award DSC_1331
American Fisheries Society: William E. Ricker Resource Conservation Award DSC_1333
American Fisheries Society: Award of Excellence DSC_1334
American Fisheries Society: Excellence in Public Outreach Award DSC_1715-2
American Fisheries Society: Distinguished Service Award DSC_1716-2
American Fisheries Society: Outstanding Large Chapter Award DSC_1718-2
American Fisheries Society: Outstanding Student Subunit Award DSC_1720-2
American Fisheries Society: Golden Membership Award DSC_1721-2
American Fisheries Society: Best Paper in the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health DSC_1722-2
American Fisheries Society: Best Paper in the North American Journal of Aquaculture DSC_1723-2
American Fisheries Society: The Mercer Patriarche Best Paper in North American Journal of Fisheries Management DSC_1724-2
American Fisheries Society: The Robert L. Kendall Best Paper in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society DSC_1725-2
American Fisheries Society: Emerging Leaders Mentorship Award DSC_1726-2
American Fisheries Society: Emerging Leaders Mentorship Award DSC_1727-2