alasdair massie: North Elevation with Outshot from across the pond
alasdair massie: South and East Elevations.
alasdair massie: West Porch
alasdair massie: Wood grain
alasdair massie: The Barn looking east
alasdair massie: North aisle. Bay 4 looking east
alasdair massie: North aisle. Post base repair and wall plate replacement. Bay 4 post "E"
alasdair massie: Bay 1 plinth supporting grain floor. Timber railing is loose.
alasdair massie: The Grain Floor
alasdair massie: The Grain Floor
alasdair massie: The Grain Floor
alasdair massie: Tie beams and crown posts
alasdair massie: East wall.
alasdair massie: North Elevation from across the pond
alasdair massie: Bay 5-6. Mortices in south aisle tie beam where there was originally a partition.
alasdair massie: Bay 5-6. Spiral grain in post