Amalah: 20150429_235629152_iOS (3)
Amalah: 20150429_235629152_iOS (2)
Amalah: 20150429_235629152_iOS
Amalah: A small selection of Ike's school photo options. The hands on hips kills me. #sassy #stahhhp
Amalah: Someone didn't make it to bedtime tonight.
Amalah: Someone didn't make until bedtime tonight.
Amalah: Ike's first day of preschool. He's obviously super stoked.
Amalah: Hai dad.#maximillianthunderdome
Amalah: Three lunches to pack every night from now on. Threeeee.
Amalah: Spoon turns their camera on...
Amalah: Ceiba and Noah
Amalah: Ike's visit with his new teacher at the "big kid" Montessori class.
Amalah: First day, first bus ride together. Kindergarten and third grade.
Amalah: #latergram that @dcfoodies took. Poaching because THOSE ARE MY GENES.
Amalah: His new desk for THIRD GRADE!!
Amalah: He's wet, shivering and overdue for a nap. We bought him chocolate ice cream instead.
Amalah: Being the youngest = this, all the time.
Amalah: A #latergram of dinner courtesy of @BlueApron: braised pork chops, roasted leeks, cherry gastrique. I still can't believe I made something this good, and that my children ate it too. #BlueApron (more on the blog, plus a discount. Go!)
Amalah: Gymboree parachutes make the best forts/hiding spots/ceremonial cult robes.
Amalah: A rare and mythical instance of all three kids in the same picture without the use of a &@#%ing screen.
Amalah: I just couldn't do it, Dear Internet. I couldn't hack it as a blonde. #yay #nofilter
Amalah: I had to give him some ear drops. This is the face of a cat who now wishes me dead.
Amalah: According to Ike, I fell down and got hurt. He prescribed ninja stickers.
Amalah: Bedtime stowaway.
Amalah: Trash night. Couldn't find my flip-flops but OH LOOK NOAH'S CROCS FIT ME WHAAAAT. #thatcantberight #right?
Amalah: So...if I still mistake doll clothes for Actual Clothes, that means I still have an Actual Baby, right? (DON'T ANSWER THAT.)
Amalah: Day two as a blonde. Not having more fun. Dunno.
Amalah: After five years of red, back to blonde. (Or, okay, some blonde highlights over some very faded semi-perm red. STILL. I NEED TIME TO ADJUST.)
Amalah: No more crib. Brothers' room, full time. No more diapers, training pants, or butt in the air sleep pose. Holy shit, NO MORE BABY.