Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Autumn bliss / Felicidad otoñal
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Nature's cathedral / Catedral natural
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Golden sunburst / Explosión ocre
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Enchanted forest / El bosque animado
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Enchanted forest / El bosque animado
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Enchanted forest / El bosque animado
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Quintessential autumn / Esencia de otoño
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Fishing peacefully / Pescando en paz
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: D'Coque and European quarter panorama, Luxembourg.
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Elusive sunlight / Luz huidiza
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Patti Austin & the Orchestre National de Jazz @ Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Misty morning / Mañana neblinosa
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Autumn layers / Capas otoñales
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Shining path / Sendero luminso
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Autumn is finally here / Por fin llegó el otoño
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Colour waves / Ondas de color
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Dazzled / Encandilado
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Green & red / Verde & rojo
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Samyang 35mm f/1.4 AS UMC
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Selective vision / Visión selectiva
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Entre la multitud / Among the multitude
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Standing tall [explored]
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Going to the beach Dutch style
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Samyang 35mm f/1.4 bokeh and CA test
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Samyang 35mm f/1.4 bokeh test
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: Samyang 35mm f/1.4 AS UMC (and a great read)
Alfonso Salgueiro | Photography: III/> Philharmonie de Luxembourg