alitunnell: January 16 - 16/366
alitunnell: January 18 - 18/366
alitunnell: January 20 - 20/366
alitunnell: January 19 - 19/366
alitunnell: January 21 - 21/366
alitunnell: Dad and Roxy
alitunnell: Dad and Roxy
alitunnell: Mom naturally
alitunnell: Dad contemplating his wine
alitunnell: Mom and Dad with Wine
alitunnell: Mom and Dad
alitunnell: Mom with 2 pair of hands
alitunnell: Heidi Hittin the Bottle
alitunnell: My Feet
alitunnell: January 24 - 24/366
alitunnell: May 1 - 122/366
alitunnell: 1Shower2.jpg
alitunnell: 7walkout1.jpg
alitunnell: 6blush2.jpg
alitunnell: 1Shower1.jpg
alitunnell: 4necklace.jpg
alitunnell: 2hairdryer.jpg
alitunnell: 9comehome1.jpg
alitunnell: June 1 - 152/366
alitunnell: 2hairdryercropswitch.jpg
alitunnell: 6blush1.jpg
alitunnell: 8checkmakeup.jpg
alitunnell: 5lipstick.jpg
alitunnell: 3tiedress.jpg