analogtexas: Dark-eyed Junco and Balancing Act
Janacekian: Ermine with Vole
analogtexas: Mimus Polyglottos Takes a Bow
fabiocilona57: Great Spotted Woodpecker (male)
Kevin B Agar: Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
ap0013: Snack Time
efgepe: Kunst am F(l)uss: "Heimatliebe"
analogtexas: Dickcissel
jt893x: Ruby-throated Hummingbird vs Insect
jt893x: Green Heron having breakfast
Jeluba: Buffy Fish-Owl (ketupu) - Ketupa ketupu ketupu
Julien Rouard - Dreamtime Nature Photography: Isabelle - Graellsia isabellae ssp. roncalensis
analogtexas: Male Roseate Skimmer
AchimOWL: Sand-Goldwespe (Hedychrum nobile)
analogtexas: Texas Bow-legged Bug
Jeluba: Southern Pied-Hornbill (Anthracoceros convexus)
Jimmy Reid Photography: Minimal flemish
Jimmy Reid Photography: Woodpecker feeding
Jimmy Reid Photography: Birth of a guppy.
Jimmy Reid Photography: Soldier beetle
Jimmy Reid Photography: Praying mantis nymph
Jimmy Reid Photography: Discus with eggs
Jimmy Reid Photography: Jumping betta
Jimmy Reid Photography: Crested gecko
Jimmy Reid Photography: Panther chameleon eating locust.
Gentleman-of-Decay: opuszczony zamek