Alfredo.M: From the dark to the light
Alfredo.M: Man in Black
Alfredo.M: Legge di gravitazione universale
Alfredo.M: WomEn inside
Alfredo.M: Uomini dentro - Uomini fuori
Alfredo.M: Full of Grace (b&w)
Alfredo.M: Pillars of the heart (final "h" makes the difference)
Alfredo.M: What are we waiting for?
Alfredo.M: That's why I live here (today: filled anchovies)
Alfredo.M: Toward history
Alfredo.M: Il colore della luce... in bianco e nero
Alfredo.M: Waiting (for you)
Alfredo.M: Lo spettacolo - The show
Alfredo.M: Non ha più pareti, ma alberi
Alfredo.M: Different paths
Alfredo.M: From the past to nowhere - 1 + A
Alfredo.M: Ma guarda cosa capita...