salanderrr: Rio 31
John Pettigrew: The Diner...
stu ART photo: Bradford, England
明遊快: Passenger [Explored#2]
salanderrr: Brasilia 39
明遊快: RC HOTEL [Explored#1]
John Pettigrew: Shelter...
CharlieChan InRio: tim hortons main st.
32ASA: Grisaille - Grey
32ASA: Grisaille - Grey
32ASA: Grisaille - Grey
32ASA: Grisaille - Grey
rj.putter: Arrow
bartholmy: Nach Durchbrechen der Lichtmauer / Breaking the Light Barrier
Kaarel Nurk: Hiinalinn, Tartu, Estonia, September 2020
stu ART photo: Taking a break - may be a while before I'm back
José Luis Cosme Giral: No title. Barañain.
bobsan88: Taumaranui
Michelle Courteau: Industrial harbour
stu ART photo: Shepton Mallet, England
Pit Spielmann: Little white sailing boat, far away | Kleine witte zeilboot, ver weg
Alex Schubert: Chimneys
32ASA: Grisaille - Grey