Alan Greenberg Photography: Mother & daughter Hippopotamus
Alan Greenberg Photography: Malayan tiger (f) (Panthera tigris jacksoni)
Alan Greenberg Photography: Hamadryas Baboon (Papio hamadryas)
Alan Greenberg Photography: Gelada (Theropithecus gelada)
Alan Greenberg Photography: Allen’s Hummingbird
Alan Greenberg Photography: Koala (f). This is Adori and she lives at the SD Zoo. Thanks to Barb for identifying her.
Alan Greenberg Photography: Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
Alan Greenberg Photography: Bengal Tiger (m)
Alan Greenberg Photography: Malayan tiger (f)
Alan Greenberg Photography: Polar Bear and a Great Blue Heron
Alan Greenberg Photography: Hamadryas Baboon
Alan Greenberg Photography: Taveta Golden Weaver
Alan Greenberg Photography: White-fronted Bee Eater
Alan Greenberg Photography: African Elephant
Alan Greenberg Photography: Red Shouldered Hawk
Alan Greenberg Photography: What's up big brother?
Alan Greenberg Photography: Red-Necked Wallaby Joey
Alan Greenberg Photography: Allen's Swamp Monkey
Alan Greenberg Photography: White-crowned Robin-chat