Alex Dzrx:
The fabled Berowra Valley salt marsh. Best to wear bright coloured socks here so you can spot the leeches.
Alex Dzrx:
A weekend of letting the kids loose in the bush. Camped at Crosslands and explored the GNW to the north and south. Grass trees, banksias, ferns and angophoras all in abundance. Doesn't get much better.
Alex Dzrx:
I've been teaching my eldest to ride a bike, and it's going well, but the colour blocking is all her, no input needed.
Alex Dzrx:
One of the more aptly-named creatures around here. Broad-tailed or southern leaf-tailed gecko. #leaftailgecko #phyllurusplaturus #gecko
Alex Dzrx:
Love this little metal-clad entry porch on a house in Wallsend. Have spotted dozens of oddball places like this around the back suburbs of Newcastle. Would post more but it's probably a bit weird going around taking photos of people's houses.
Alex Dzrx:
Aging pool infrastructure in the hot afternoon sun. Not pictured: a really satisfying serve of salty hot chips.
Alex Dzrx:
I've walked past this tree dozens of times and never noticed the basalt column, or stopped to read the plaque. #josephbeuys so ahead of the curve that the curve became a sphere. #7000eichen #stadtverwaldung #treecanopy #cityofsydney #urbanforeststrategy #
Alex Dzrx:
Another visit to the AGNSW North Building. In awe of the new Yiribana Gallery, especially dot paintings by Marie Josette Orsto and engraved burnt road signs by Wukun Wanambi. Both artists recently passed away, each before the age of 60.
Alex Dzrx:
Rare ride without a kid on board, or wobbling alongside. Makes getting up the hills a bit quicker, but the snack stops are less frequent, and there's less time spent looking at bugs, so I'm not completely sold on the idea.
Alex Dzrx:
Sending this back to Queensland today. Early 80s Columbus SL track bike, built by Eric Hendren in the era when he was teaching Darrell McCulloch a thing or two about filing lugs. The frame was a trophy/prize for a local hill climb race - not sure if Sean
Alex Dzrx:
Fern check. 1-3 - Dicksonia antarctica / soft tree fern 4 - Calochlaena dubia / false bracken 5 - Cyathea australis / rough tree fern 6 - 7 - Cyathea cooperi / coin spot tree fern 8 - Myrmecia nigrocincta / Jack Jumper Ant, ready to launch. These really d
Alex Dzrx:
Didn't make it to mardi gras but did have a great stroll along Wilson St on our way to Julia Jacklin.
Alex Dzrx:
Can confirm that building up old bikes is in no way a profitable exercise, but it's pretty satisfying when it all comes together and works like a well oiled clock. Floating on clouds. With indexed gears no less. This one is headed to Marrickville, to some
Alex Dzrx:
Gazelle Champion Mondiale, 1981. This is the AB racing frame, with sensible clearance for 32s and tubing tuned for compliance over rough ground. Even has 14 gears, one better than Campy Ektar in 2023. Time is a flat circle?
Alex Dzrx:
Observations on the trees in our valley: (1-2) At the summer solstice, the blue gums sprout a proliferation of new leaves, in dense clumps, as if dabbed on with a paintbrush. They had dropped their old leaves in early summer, leaving the canopies sparse a