ajft: The Age crossword clue and answer
ajft: A victim of the paperless office, free to good home
ajft: A rainbow of threads
ajft: Yarn-bombed shopping trolley
ajft: Fixie and a fairy ring
ajft: Friday fungi bike ride
ajft: Friday fungi bike ride
ajft: Old sports car books
ajft: 2024-04-25T19.20.28_instagram
ajft: 2024-04-25T19.16.39_samsung.JPG_original
ajft: 2024-04-25T19.16.39_samsung
ajft: 2024-04-25T14.01.16_samsung.JPG_original
ajft: 2024-04-25T14.01.16_samsung
ajft: Only yesterday we were saying we hadn't see any DVDs for ages
ajft: 2024-04-21T15.53.28_samsung-3
ajft: 2024-04-21T15.53.28_samsung-2
ajft: 2024-04-21T15.53.28_samsung-1
ajft: 2024-04-21T15.53.28_samsung
ajft: Steamrail Vic special approaching
ajft: Steamrail Vic special passing by
ajft: K190 taking the Steamrail Vic special
ajft: Steamrail Vic special passing by
ajft: Steamrail Vic special passing by
ajft: Steamrail Vic special passing by (bw)
ajft: K190 taking the Steamrail Vic special
ajft: Fixie and skip, yellowing
ajft: Musk Lorikeet, probably a victim of hitting a window
ajft: AWOL at the St George river
ajft: Sculpture wall, Metro cafe, Mt Gambier
ajft: Leaving Millicent, flat rural roads