Deaton Pigot: Checking out @intelligentsiacoffee. #coffee #coffeetour
Coffee Collective: Stack em high. That's the 2015/16 fresh crop Kieni from top to floor.
mojocoffee: 連裱裝店都進步了!這批改了工法,看起來超棒!
Dionysuspeng: 不聽話的臉@咖哩工房
Dionysuspeng: riding at night
espressoDOM: Floating Toward The Future
andy.s.: Fifi flies
mojocoffee: IMS 鐵氟龍濾網
Dionysuspeng: R0010042
flyingthud: love this shot
Dionysuspeng: R0008928
Coffee Collective: Grading coffee at the KCCM dry mill in Sagana. Samples are size sorted manually through screens to see how much AA, AB, C and so on is in the lot.
leicaism: Zassenhaus
leicaism: GS vs Speedster
Dionysuspeng: 小寶的玩具
leicaism: Faema marte
leicaism: Speedster landing
vancafe: 早~
chavles: 2014.08.08 Happy father`s day.
Sundance = 放晴: 隨性 (Random)
chavles: Reneka micro sieve