afbach: DSCN0435
afbach: DSCN0436
afbach: Bridgette and Grandpa
afbach: Bridgette and Grandma
afbach: Tom and Mom
afbach: Roasted for hours
afbach: To be boiled in oil
afbach: Bridgette and Mom
afbach: DSCN0447
afbach: DSCN0448
afbach: DSCN0449
afbach: DSCN0451
afbach: DSCN0452
afbach: Hattie's handmade spicy calzones
afbach: DSCN0455
afbach: DSCN0458
afbach: This is where the oil should've caught fire and chaos arrived
afbach: DSCN0460
afbach: Who spilled oil on my nice new parking lot!?
afbach: DSCN0462
afbach: DSCN0464
afbach: DSCN0468
afbach: Gravy Master class
afbach: John Bach, Sr. and Bob Erb, er, Toby and Tom slice the roast beast
afbach: Cell phone class
afbach: Sliced beast
afbach: DSCN0484
afbach: DSCN0485
afbach: DSCN0486
afbach: DSCN0487