aesthetically.hoarded: Lenore, the dead go fast
aesthetically.hoarded: The Ghosts of Paolo and Francesca Appear to Dante and Virgil
aesthetically.hoarded: La bataille de Tolbiac, victoire de Clovis
aesthetically.hoarded: Orpheus Mourning the Death of Eurydice
aesthetically.hoarded: The Death of Géricault
aesthetically.hoarded: Faust in His Study
aesthetically.hoarded: The Death of Malvina, or Ossian receiving the last breath of Malvina.
aesthetically.hoarded: Faust in his study room
aesthetically.hoarded: Convalescent Mother
aesthetically.hoarded: Suliote Women
aesthetically.hoarded: The Retreat of Napoleon’s Army from Russia
aesthetically.hoarded: Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of Ravenna
aesthetically.hoarded: Margarete in the church