monsieurpotts: my ballot showed up in the mail.
monsieurpotts: a bad shot of the ballot
monsieurpotts: ballot closeup
monsieurpotts: 365 (13) 365天之第十三天: look! i'm raising my own taxes
monsieurpotts: once you vote, stick it in here
monsieurpotts: sealing the security enevelope
monsieurpotts: then write your return address.
monsieurpotts: mailing my ballot
monsieurpotts: Election Day
monsieurpotts: silly ballot measures
monsieurpotts: Election time
monsieurpotts: Goodspaceguy Nelson
monsieurpotts: Put it in the Security Envelope
monsieurpotts: Write your return address
monsieurpotts: Sign, Date...
monsieurpotts: "Computer children of the Airplane Age, you should now begin building the Age of Space Colonization"
monsieurpotts: Stick on an airmail sticker!
monsieurpotts: 0915 this morning, my desk