Mundo Flo: Work in progress, thinking about Autumn days #vscocam #fabric #sewing #handmade
Mundo Flo: Tulip tree #Fall #leaves #stilllifephotography #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Potted cat #vscocam #cat #garden #balcony
Mundo Flo: Strawberries in October! #vscocam #garden #growing #organic
Mundo Flo: Hello Sunday!
Mundo Flo: #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Nature in a frame #window #Leiria #blue #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Work in progress #embroidery #handmade #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Treasury box # collection #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Work in progress, something special #vscocam #embroidery #linen
Mundo Flo: Good morning! #vscocam #cat #reflect
Mundo Flo: September morning light in the studio #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Hello Fall! #feet #Autumn #rain #vscocam
Mundo Flo: #b&w #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Simple pleasures #fabric #vintage #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Simple pleasures #vscocam #books #reading #letters
Mundo Flo: September #rain II #vscocam
Mundo Flo: September #rain #vscocam #reflect #window
Mundo Flo: Weekend #breakfast #vscocam #food #table
Mundo Flo: Work in progress #embroidery #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Elffie the cat #vscocam
Mundo Flo: #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Searching for light #vscocam #sunset
Mundo Flo: September #apples #seasonfruit #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Bag from Earth Collection ready to fly to Finland #packaging #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Work in progress #embroidery #surfacedesign #handmade #vscocam
Mundo Flo: Fittonia #vscocam #plant #still
Mundo Flo: From my balcony #garden #growing #organic #vscocam
Mundo Flo: #hydrangeas #flower #green #vscocam
Mundo Flo: #green #hydrangeas #leaves #vscocam