fris2008: 1.30.12 before the dig 2
fris2008: 1.30.12 before the dig
fris2008: Digging it wider
fris2008: The future tasting room
fris2008: A look at the back
fris2008: Foundation ditches
fris2008: Placing grade stakes
fris2008: Laying block for the basement
fris2008: A look at the event side
fris2008: The tasting room from the event side
fris2008: Completed masonry from the back
fris2008: The basement walls from the front side
fris2008: Setting floor trusses
fris2008: The rear view
fris2008: Drilling
fris2008: Well drilling
fris2008: Stack the deck
fris2008: Off loading the material
fris2008: Drilling the timbers
fris2008: The process
fris2008: Drilling the timbers
fris2008: Roof trusses
fris2008: First wall
fris2008: First wall
fris2008: The west wall
fris2008: All in a days work
fris2008: The crane
fris2008: The porch trusses
fris2008: Moving the truss
fris2008: Moving the truss