andresbentancourt: Ruta 40 km 2070. Neuquén, Argentina.
andresbentancourt: Tarde tranquila
andresbentancourt: Downtown Aberdeen
andresbentancourt: Palacio Salvo
andresbentancourt: Late in the night
andresbentancourt: Noche fría y humeda
andresbentancourt: Barro do Chuí
andresbentancourt: Cloudy below, clear above
andresbentancourt: Vessel arriving to the port of Montevideo
andresbentancourt: Expression
andresbentancourt: Atlántida
andresbentancourt: The yellow cottage
andresbentancourt: Madrugada en la Mansa
andresbentancourt: Plaza Callao, Madrid
andresbentancourt: Beautiful Madrid
andresbentancourt: Santa María de la Buena Unión
andresbentancourt: Violet Yacki
andresbentancourt: Buena Unión, Rivera, Uruguay