abaesel: Me with the grinch
abaesel: 20240825_164747
abaesel: Me, Judy, Em and Peg with Sue’s Grinch
abaesel: Me, Judy, Em and Peg with Sue’s Grinch
abaesel: Peg, Em, and Judy
abaesel: Jeff and Sue’s Grinch with Peg and Ed
abaesel: Sue’s Grinch
abaesel: Peg and Ed
abaesel: Peg, Em, Me and Judy
abaesel: Me, Judy, Em and Peg with Sue’s Grinch
abaesel: Jeff and the grinch
abaesel: Mariadela, Em, Judy and me at Sue’s memorial
abaesel: Jeff at Judy Buxtons
abaesel: New middle school in lower merion
abaesel: Visiting my old story and Clark piano at Judy Buxtons
abaesel: 20240825_114201
abaesel: Mariadela and Leonas with Judy Buxton
abaesel: At Judy Buxtons
abaesel: View of new middle school from Judy Buxtons backyard
abaesel: Villanova U new theatre
abaesel: Villanova U new dormitory
abaesel: On board
abaesel: 20240824_101430
abaesel: 20240824_095915