abaesel: Wedding on Pass-a-Grille Beach
abaesel: Wedding on Pass-a-Grille Beach
abaesel: Pass-a-Grille Beach, St Pete, FL
abaesel: Pass-a-Grille Beach, St Pete, FL
abaesel: Laughing Gull in winter plumage on Pass-a-Grille beach, St Pete, FL
abaesel: I see you....I'm just acting cool. On Pass-a-Grille beach, St Pete, FL
abaesel: Corn HOle anyone? Pass-a-Grille Beach, St Pete, FL
abaesel: timing the wave to get that conch...
abaesel: Racing the waves....plovers on Pass-a-Grille beach, St Pete, Fl
abaesel: January day in the surf...on Pass-A-Grille beach, St Pete, FL
abaesel: Get out of my surf...you with the camera....
abaesel: View up the beach on Pass-a-Grille beach with rosy pink Don Cesar Hotel in the distance. St Pete.
abaesel: Horsheshoe crab marooned on the shells of Pass-a-Grille beach, St Pete, FL.
abaesel: Is Hitchcock vacationing in Pass-a-Grille (yeah, yeah, I know he's dead...makes it even spookier).