_tar0_: mika and harley the beagle
_tar0_: a husky runs alongside nori and harley
_tar0_: nori and harley compete for the tennis ball
_tar0_: rinji chases down the ball (kai, taro and claire look on)
_tar0_: nori and rinji play
_tar0_: who's gonna get the ball? (nori & rinji)
_tar0_: nori backs rinji off a bit
_tar0_: nori claims the ball
_tar0_: rinji chases nori
_tar0_: nori plays keep away from rinji
_tar0_: humans and pooches at the park
_tar0_: doggies saying hello
_tar0_: claire and rinji
_tar0_: taro gets smelled by a husky
_tar0_: nori leads the way
_tar0_: nori and harley play
_tar0_: harley and nori
_tar0_: harley keeps the ball from nori
_tar0_: nori chases her brofur harley
_tar0_: nori cuts harley off
_tar0_: nori following harley and the tennis ball
_tar0_: harley is a bit of a ball-hog (nori follows)
_tar0_: harley has the ball, nori wants it
_tar0_: taro tries to stop and protect the ball from oncoming rinji
_tar0_: taro and rinji go after the ball, fox terrier follows
_tar0_: taro and rinji chase the ball
_tar0_: the chase continues (taro & rinji)
_tar0_: shiba chase! (taro, then nori, then rinji)
_tar0_: taro turns late for the ball, is pursued by nori and rinji
_tar0_: taro's got the ball! nori and rinji keep chasing (although i think rinji is just chasing nori)