lu_lu: Where we slept for 2 hours while waiting to check in
lu_lu: Waiting to board
lu_lu: Final check-in, last stop: Phuket! Ps. Happy birthday to me.
lu_lu: On board
lu_lu: Lagoon to the oasis
lu_lu: Waiting for service at the swim up bar
lu_lu: Surfing the net in bed, after a siesta, because we can
lu_lu: Hotel staff organised a birthday cake for me :D
lu_lu: "Happy birth day"
lu_lu: Birthday dinner with my lover <3
lu_lu: My Mai Tai and his Long Island ice tea
lu_lu: Breakfast bum
lu_lu: Sparkly toilets, this way
lu_lu: Massage room for two
lu_lu: Beachy
lu_lu: Pool-side bar
lu_lu: Lovers // @RichardGiles
lu_lu: Babies need drinks, too
lu_lu: First meal of the day
lu_lu: 400mg ibuprofen
lu_lu: Starbucks: the universal word for "expensive"
lu_lu: Back to being a strapped, hobbling, cripple again :(
lu_lu: Room service with Happiness included
lu_lu: Handsome dinner date <3
lu_lu: Breakfast
lu_lu: Getting ready to head to the market to buy produce for Thai cooking classes :D
lu_lu: Thai cooking school - tom yum soup
lu_lu: Green curry!
lu_lu: Third course: yellow curry
lu_lu: Room service breakfast before today's sightseeing adventures - James Bond Island!