Roy Lowry: Burton Spoonbills
Roy Lowry: Black Stork
Roy Lowry: Spoonbills
Roy Lowry: Spoonbill Flight
Roy Lowry: Jake the Peg
Roy Lowry: Burton Spoonbills
Roy Lowry: Hadada Ibis
Roy Lowry: Marabou Stork
Roy Lowry: White Stork
Roy Lowry: Sacred Ibis
Roy Lowry: Eurasian Spoonbills
Roy Lowry: Eurasian Spoonbill
Roy Lowry: Australian White Ibis
Roy Lowry: Straw-necked Ibis
Roy Lowry: White Stork
Roy Lowry: Royal Spoonbills
Roy Lowry: Eurasian Spoonbill
Roy Lowry: Stork in Flight
Roy Lowry: White Stork on Saône
Roy Lowry: Glossy Ibis
Roy Lowry: Spoonbill
Roy Lowry: Little and Large
Roy Lowry: Feeding Spoonbills
Roy Lowry: Faro Marina
Roy Lowry: White Stork
Roy Lowry: Hadeda Ibis
Roy Lowry: African Spoonbill
Roy Lowry: Sacred Ibis
Roy Lowry: White Stork
Roy Lowry: Low-flying Stork