Maureencampbellphotography: Water beetles devouring dragonfly
Maureencampbellphotography: Water beetles drowing dragonfly
Maureencampbellphotography: Great diving beetle devouring dragonfly.
Maureencampbellphotography: Cantharis livida
Maureencampbellphotography: Two banded Longhorn beetle
Maureencampbellphotography: Garden bee & the forget me not
Maureencampbellphotography: Dung fly on cow pat
Maureencampbellphotography: Back swimmer in garden pond
Maureencampbellphotography: Hoverfly (Scaeva pyrastri)
Maureencampbellphotography: Robins pin cushion
Maureencampbellphotography: Four banded longhorn beetles
Maureencampbellphotography: Minotaur beetle taking dung to it's nest for larvae to feed on
Maureencampbellphotography: Great diving larvae