akeyes31: Sarah's cute house!
akeyes31: Dining room
akeyes31: Bedroom
akeyes31: Prince
akeyes31: Sarah and Heather
akeyes31: Cupcakes warming in the afternoon sun...
akeyes31: Not talking about the book
akeyes31: Hot chicks!
akeyes31: It's not even her birthday yet!
akeyes31: Mas sangria, por favor!
akeyes31: Ebony and Ivory
akeyes31: The shoes that should be Amber's
akeyes31: This is two people wearing the same pair of shoes.
akeyes31: Sarah's got a brand new bag!
akeyes31: Cordell's SECOND birthday present for Sarah. Wink.
akeyes31: Word.
akeyes31: Happy birthday breakfast at Carver's
akeyes31: Don't waste the good wish on an English muffin cake...
akeyes31: Ber and Grady
akeyes31: Happy baby!
akeyes31: birthday vino on the deck
akeyes31: Two girls, a bottle of wine, and a cow
akeyes31: I'm obsessed with TINY FLOWERS!
akeyes31: Backyard creek
akeyes31: Ready for the future hound
akeyes31: The best shot out of approximately 17 tries.
akeyes31: Ber and Heather
akeyes31: Cordell and his little woman.
akeyes31: Baby Grady and his Hot Mama
akeyes31: Jason the Enabler