Dirty Resin Bastards: he comes from iceland
Dirty Resin Bastards: with a word of his homecountry
Dirty Resin Bastards: gonna draw this tattoo
Dirty Resin Bastards: - the new eid hands are great
Dirty Resin Bastards: blushing hands
Dirty Resin Bastards: cause the word on my tattoo means "closeness"
Dirty Resin Bastards: I am proud to have it
Dirty Resin Bastards: Everybody of us got this tattoo, but with the own name in the middle.
Dirty Resin Bastards: standing for the first letter for their christian names.
Dirty Resin Bastards: My tattoo reflects the closeness to them. The letters above the swords are icelandic runes,
Dirty Resin Bastards: I got a younger sister called Feida and an elder brother called Gunnar.
Dirty Resin Bastards: Hi- my name is Dante van Dien. I come from Iceland.
Dirty Resin Bastards: and his lady
Dirty Resin Bastards: the forces of nature
Dirty Resin Bastards: from iceland
Dirty Resin Bastards: is a photographer
Dirty Resin Bastards: Mr Dante van Dien
Dirty Resin Bastards: it shows his passion
Dirty Resin Bastards: got a new t-shirt
Dirty Resin Bastards: received a gift
Dirty Resin Bastards: Dante van Dien
Dirty Resin Bastards: a wonderful overview
Dirty Resin Bastards: - this tower where he had
Dirty Resin Bastards: until he found this
Dirty Resin Bastards: the silence there