Safia girl: Self-seeded Helleborus argutifolius
Safia girl: Epimedium 'Black Sea' wrongly named. Not sure what it is called.
Safia girl: Verbascum 'Helen Johnson'
Safia girl: Solidago 'Sweetie'
Safia girl: Meconopsis 'Lingholm'
Safia girl: View from the other end, June 7
Safia girl: The wall garden at 5 p.m. on June 7
Safia girl: A view from the other end.
Safia girl: Lemon and lime foliage on the north side of the house.
Safia girl: Silver foliage under the witch hazel.
Safia girl: My wall garden bed at 5 p.m.
Safia girl: Winter in March
Safia girl: Sedum 'John Creech'
Safia girl: Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Purpureum'
Safia girl: May finale
Safia girl: View from under the arbour
Safia girl: Back corner with frosted pot
Safia girl: The north path
Safia girl: The fullness of time
Safia girl: Along the north side path
Safia girl: My main mixed border
Safia girl: Spring garden
Safia girl: Back border
Safia girl: Further down the path
Safia girl: Down the north garden path
Safia girl: The raised back border
Safia girl: Into the courtyard
Safia girl: Wall border in April
Safia girl: Pulmonaria 'Little Star'
Safia girl: Epimedium unknown name