Lotus Mi: Street Snap in Bangkok
Lotus Mi: Silent night in Venezia
Lotus Mi: The tram in Istanbul
Lotus Mi: Bosporus Blue
Lotus Mi: The view from the 5th floor in Venezia
Lotus Mi: A Praying Nun
Lotus Mi: Weaving Woman
Lotus Mi: Studying Buddhism
Lotus Mi: Fillet a Fish
Lotus Mi: Preparation of Hot Air Balloon
Lotus Mi: Renault 12 Break
Lotus Mi: Rocks at Low Tide
Lotus Mi: The seamy side of urban life
Lotus Mi: Evening City Colors
Lotus Mi: Senso-ji
Lotus Mi: Subdued Light
Lotus Mi: Yellow Railroad Tracks
Lotus Mi: Before Sunset
Lotus Mi: Senso-ji (The Sensoji Temple)
Lotus Mi: Small Festival
Lotus Mi: Odawara Castle
Lotus Mi: Mother
Lotus Mi: Craftsman in Marrakech
Lotus Mi: A Checkered Lover
Lotus Mi: Green Small Lamp
Lotus Mi: Dodge Challenger R/T
Lotus Mi: Tokyo Sky Tree Tower
Lotus Mi: Minaret
Lotus Mi: Japanese pub under railway viaduct
Lotus Mi: Soft Ghost Phenomenon