serpavlov: 51. Willet
serpavlov: Song Sparrow
serpavlov: Least Sandpiper
serpavlov: Northern Shovelers together
serpavlov: 85. Green-winged Teals
serpavlov: Northern Mockingbird
serpavlov: California Poppy
serpavlov: Environmental Education Center
serpavlov: Northern Shoveler
serpavlov: Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron
serpavlov: Western (right) and Herring (left) Gulls
serpavlov: Song Sparrow
serpavlov: Great Egret
serpavlov: Cinnamon and Green-winged Teals
serpavlov: Glaucous-winged Gull
serpavlov: Gulls
serpavlov: Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
serpavlov: Alviso famous view
serpavlov: Greater Yellowlegs
serpavlov: Willet with Dunlin
serpavlov: Red-breasted Merganser
serpavlov: 145. Red-breasted Merganser
serpavlov: Willet and two Greater Yellowlegs
serpavlov: Dunlin and Western Sandpiper
serpavlov: 144. Dunlin and Western Sandpiper
serpavlov: How many species can you find?
serpavlov: 143. Dunlin
serpavlov: Greater Yellowlegs
serpavlov: 142. California Gull
serpavlov: Barrow's Goldeneye