Felicity&Dougall: Bear faced (polar) bear cheek!
debarazzi2009: Sunset on the Murray
PeterJot: Sloping
debarazzi2009: Security
chrisimmler: taking coverinstagram: chrisimmler
debarazzi2009: Into the Mist
andreas.klodt: childlike curiosity
debarazzi2009: Afternoon Glow
Felicity&Dougall: "TRA LA LA LA......"
chrisimmler: one way up, one way down
MontImageMedia - In Memoriam: "Super Moon 83%" 12-08-2014.
debarazzi2009: Fishing at Sunset
debarazzi2009: Sail Colours
Felicity&Dougall: "Beyonce" of the camel world!
debarazzi2009: May Morning
Felicity&Dougall: "Where HAS that boy got to?""
Struan Timms Photography: Junee Silo's 2014- revisited
MontImageMedia - In Memoriam: "Life in the Jungle" Vietnam War, (1954–75),
andreas.klodt: Yellow Eyes
PeterJot: Dubrovnik
PeterJot: Kolocep harbor