lonniec61: autumn light
lonniec61: around the bend
lonniec61: bridge to Eden
lonniec61: Clydesdale's
lonniec61: dog path
lonniec61: good as gold
lonniec61: in my town
lonniec61: mid michigan beauty
lonniec61: october view
lonniec61: on fire
lonniec61: river reflections
lonniec61: river walk path
lonniec61: stop and take it all in
lonniec61: sumac and goldenrod
lonniec61: tall grass
lonniec61: tree tunnel
lonniec61: water dogs
lonniec61: color burst
lonniec61: thread lake
lonniec61: western property line
lonniec61: one in a crowd
lonniec61: lust the right light
lonniec61: almost gone
lonniec61: starting the day
lonniec61: thru the trees
lonniec61: time to shine
lonniec61: tree nuts
lonniec61: finding my way home
lonniec61: feelin the seasons