Lucky Snap: Big Pink - sunrise over Biscayne Bay Miami
Lucky Snap: Biscayn Bay Miami in the predawn
Lucky Snap: fire in the sky
Lucky Snap: blue and gold
Lucky Snap: bass lake park
Lucky Snap: Venus at twilight
Lucky Snap: sunrise over the wing
Lucky Snap: controlled burn
Lucky Snap: Divided Sky
Lucky Snap: IMGP2423
Lucky Snap: BiscayneBay_panorama
Lucky Snap: staring at the sun
Lucky Snap: IMGP5501
Lucky Snap: sunset from the balcony
Lucky Snap: branches
Lucky Snap: moon in the loran towers
Lucky Snap: 05-020-IMGP1057
Lucky Snap: 06-019-IMGP1058
Lucky Snap: 08-008-IMGP1140
Lucky Snap: 10-029-IMGP3424
Lucky Snap: 11-046-IMGP3475
Lucky Snap: 12-047-IMGP3482
Lucky Snap: blue ridges3
Lucky Snap: clouds on the water
Lucky Snap: red rock blue mountains
Lucky Snap: smoke on the water
Lucky Snap: Capital waking up- crop
Lucky Snap: NYC 3