bephare: alex, candie & eric - love this pic!
bephare: alexi von warhol
bephare: me, Jro & Marla
bephare: eric, succumbing to my hilariousness yet again
bephare: beyon-k (read: kerri)
bephare: classic candie
bephare: sepia gals
bephare: jessica, me, rhea and beethoven's bust
bephare: enter - sepia
bephare: marla, me, adam, Jro
bephare: me, Rhea, A-Buck and the top half of Jessica's face
bephare: variations on a bang
bephare: squirt squirt!
bephare: thirsty
bephare: almost all of the ladies
bephare: Jen & Me, excited about pancakes in a can!
bephare: lovely wintery women
bephare: jen, embracer of the groove
bephare: cutest picture of holly & jro ever
bephare: men, glasses and ties
bephare: Rhea, Linds & Katie
bephare: dj vorse
bephare: the men
bephare: Xtopher & Luke, bffs