K-Szok-Photography: Two holding as a train transitions form BNSF to Union Pacific tracks.
EContreras33: Los Angeles, California
K-Szok-Photography: Greeting each other
Jake Miille: Union Pacific 4014 Climbs Donner Pass
Slug96: BNSF 4210 E Q LACLPC6 17L Antares, AZ
the.angry.photographer: East End of Goose Lake
K-Szok-Photography: Meet at Siberia
eb78: eureka
K-Szok-Photography: Military train heading east
Slug96: BNSF 5093 E H BARKCK9 13A Topock, AZ
Slug96: BNSF 5976 E Z LACNYC1 30U UPS 92 Bagdad, CA
Slug96: BNSF 6783 E Z LACWSP6 30P UPS 57 Ash Hill, CA
Slug96: NS 1100 W Z AUGSBD8 16A Valentine, AZ
Slug96: BNSF 8144 W Z ALTSTO2 10U Antares, AZ