butterthebean: Cheap track frame
butterthebean: Cannondale at San Jacinto Monument
butterthebean: Surly LHT
butterthebean: Kelly take offs
butterthebean: recumbent riding
butterthebean: trailer082407
butterthebean: MS 150 07
butterthebean: NIshiki
butterthebean: Kelly Take offs
butterthebean: Nishiki
butterthebean: Commuting bike
butterthebean: shogun powder coated
butterthebean: cockpit view
butterthebean: DSC00924
butterthebean: Moustache panda
butterthebean: Grrrrr...don't touch this bike!
butterthebean: Power grips and Grip Kings
butterthebean: Silver long reach brakes
butterthebean: DSC00913
butterthebean: DSC00907
butterthebean: Head tube
butterthebean: DSC00951
butterthebean: kelly take offs
butterthebean: DSC00952
butterthebean: DSC00966
butterthebean: Cut my own anatomic slot
butterthebean: Power Grips and Grip Kings...luv em!
butterthebean: Nishiki Ultra tour
butterthebean: Home cut Brooks saddle