christinaward: Siamese Twins- Plush Team Circus Challenge
christinaward: DSCF1122.JPG
christinaward: Mary & Susie, Siamese Twins. Plush Team Circus Challenge, close up
christinaward: DSCF1125.JPG
christinaward: DSCF1126.JPG
christinaward: DSCF1127.JPG
christinaward: Baby Tyranosauras
christinaward: PteraDan the pterodon, new work
christinaward: PteraDan the pterodon, new work
christinaward: PteraDan the pterodon, new work
christinaward: PteraDan the pterodon, new work
christinaward: Photo277
christinaward: Photo274
christinaward: Baby Tyranosauras
christinaward: Photo272
christinaward: Photo268