postmand_b: Vester Vedsted kirke
postmand_b: Vester Vedsted kirkegård
postmand_b: View toward the wadden sea
postmand_b: New Yorhus
postmand_b: højskolesangbogen
postmand_b: Guitar and song..
postmand_b: Towards the dike
postmand_b: the bus for mandø
postmand_b: wadden sea
postmand_b: friends on the dike
postmand_b: 3 friends on the dike
postmand_b: fresh beech leaves
postmand_b: fresh beech leaves
postmand_b: Nettle
postmand_b: to the "Dikehut"
postmand_b: Classes of....several decades
postmand_b: Classes of....several decades
postmand_b: Honored...
postmand_b: On the dike, picking flowers
postmand_b: Painting
postmand_b: Sang i foredragssalen
postmand_b: friluftsholdet
postmand_b: Friluftsholdet på diget
postmand_b: Setting the mood
postmand_b: Young love
postmand_b: Håndarbejde til Gammel Elev Weekend
postmand_b: Back together and singing
postmand_b: Back together and singing