craft room: happy toast
craft room: Toast onsie
craft room: cup cake and donut
craft room: cupcake garland
craft room: IMG_1043
craft room: New Pants
craft room: IMG_0987
craft room: Garnish
craft room: Black and White ball
craft room: finger painting. (no thank you.)
craft room: strawberry scones
craft room: baby 'rags'
craft room: The dress!
craft room: pinning quilt
craft room: quilt sandwich
craft room: week 5, team challenge,
craft room: Waist and sash
craft room: 50's inspired dress
craft room: help at the photo shoot
craft room: Protest from the Gallery
craft room: back finishing
craft room: Full look
craft room: top detail
craft room: Hats off: bustle
craft room: Hats off: bustle
craft room: Hats off: form fitting in front
craft room: Hats off: bustle
craft room: bustle
craft room: Hats off: form fitting in front
craft room: hats off: gown