Dogtrax: dot day circle stories 2019
Dogtrax: Chalk Talk Quote Sept19
susanvg: Painted Ladies are Back
NomadWarMachine: Gunnera manicata
NomadWarMachine: Hydrangea
teach.eagle Sheri42: Sheri42.FloralDelightsBlue
Dogtrax: roots may never know ... a poem
Dogtrax: Acorn in jail
Dogtrax: Six Word Memoir (in seven words)
susanvg: Along the Coast
susanvg: Looking Across the Bay
susanvg: Hiking
susanvg: Solo Pine
susanvg: Partridge
susanvg: Porcupine
Dogtrax: Bob and Kevin
susanvg: Heron
susanvg: Penouille Beach
susanvg: Cottages Beside Forillon Park
susanvg: Evergreens and Wildflowers
susanvg: Light on the River
susanvg: Drops
susanvg: Astilbes
susanvg: Red Lily
susanvg: Garden by the Water
susanvg: Chairs
NomadWarMachine: Manos shawl
Dogtrax: Rockport/Gloucester
NomadWarMachine: Cagney's house
NomadWarMachine: Peacock butterfly