RedsKitten: Giantess at the lakeshore
RedsKitten: Rainy day walk on the beach
RedsKitten: "I'm planting a tree to stand by me when I feel alone." ~ Andrea Koehler Jones
RedsKitten: Asher
RedsKitten: weeds & ladder
RedsKitten: asher & lavender
RedsKitten: "I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger." ~Harriet Tubman
RedsKitten: "And I sit here without identity: faceless. My head aches." ~Sylvia Plath
RedsKitten: "The guitar is an orchestra in itself." - Ludwig Van Beethoven
RedsKitten: "When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes."Dylan Thomas
RedsKitten: "If there is one spot of sun spilling onto the floor, a cat will find it and soak it up."- Joan Asper McIntosh
RedsKitten: This is it; the apocalypse.
RedsKitten: Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness.Allen Ginsberg
RedsKitten: Rhododendron. SX-70 Sonar + Impossible B&W.
RedsKitten: "Often cats wear an expression suggesting that mere humans should be grateful that cats condescend to live with them." - Author Unknown
RedsKitten: "Who among us hasn't envied a cat's ability to ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely?" ~ Karen Brademeyer
RedsKitten: Donnie in the backyard.
RedsKitten: Boston Harbour
RedsKitten: Barnacles
RedsKitten: Looking up!
RedsKitten: Birdhouse
RedsKitten: Edwin, Polaroid 250
RedsKitten: Asher. Looking shocked.
RedsKitten: Tristan.
RedsKitten: Neighborhood Watch Cat
RedsKitten: 1971 Chevelle ❤️
RedsKitten: Charlie
RedsKitten: Asher