dowren: 佛陀娃娃-4(Buddha doll-4)
dowren: 100年新春--自採陶土捏製的小菩薩(natural pottery)
dowren: 100年新春--許願卡(Wishing card)
dowren: 100年新春--春節小禮物(presents for Chinese New Year's Day)
dowren: 99年新歲佈置
dowren: 99年法師祝福(spring festival couplets)
dowren: 佛陀娃娃-3(Buddha doll-3)
dowren: 佛陀娃娃-2(Buddha doll-2)
dowren: 佛陀娃娃-1(Buddha doll-1)
dowren: Exploring in the field of Arachis duranensis(另一種發現Another Exploring?)
dowren: Exploring in the field of Arachis duranensis(享受enjoy~~)
dowren: Exploring in the field of Arachis duranensis(會跳芭蕾舞的兔子--dancing rabbit)
dowren: Exploring in the field of Arachis duranensis(何處不淨?)
dowren: Exploring in the field of Arachis duranensis(如果是真的鳥就好了!)
dowren: Exploring in the field of Arachis duranensis(粉紅豬豬人-Pink princess)
dowren: 震傷之後(After earthquake)
dowren: 曼陀羅花(Angel's trumpet )
dowren: 花中花(small flower in flower)
dowren: 蓮花畫作 Lotus drawing
dowren: 適意娃娃Amenity girl-1
dowren: 適意娃娃Amenity girl-2
dowren: Post (獎學金海報局部設計)
dowren: 小沙彌娃娃祝福卡1 blessing card1
dowren: 小沙彌娃娃祝福卡2 blessing card2
dowren: 日日是好日 Every day is a pleasant day
dowren: 小菩薩娃娃 Bodhisattva
dowren: 超小的蓮花 Small lotus?
dowren: 莊嚴的蓮花 Lotus-2
dowren: Flowering Cherry 湖畔旁的櫻花 
dowren: Flowering Cherry 湖畔旁的櫻花