alexstoddard: The shape she makes.
Galeria de Arte Exalumnos UdeC: Residuos industriales
dumpsterdiversanonymous: Sample Solar Print Etching - Aspens and Memory
marin71: etching in progress
art.vestifex: Alter Apfelbaum (old apple tree)
art.vestifex: Alte Einsiedelei (Old Hermitage)
MATUTO_Luís: Cefaléia em oxidação
Hafaell: Herbal Network (Line work)
ieuan_edwards: Ostrich promenade #1
Marten Hazelaar: Liselottenland, Horst Janssen
stefano gerardi: Sant' Antonio di Gallura
texasadam: linework etching example 2
texasadam: Rodin "Victor Hugo"
dorkthrone: Ineffable (the giddy edge of light), state 2
dorkthrone: I am impure (Witches' Sabbath), state 2