Deida 1: I 've been spotted
Deida 1: IMG_0664
Deida 1: A taste of Summer
Deida 1: Look!
Deida 1: Sturnuns vulgaris
Deida 1: Tresspassing ? lol
Deida 1: Nesting Time
Deida 1: Nesting time
Deida 1: Lamb feeding
Deida 1: Foals and Horses
Deida 1: Feral cat hunting in the field
Deida 1: Feral cat on the Prowl
Deida 1: Freedom
Deida 1: Curious Goose
Deida 1: The Crow and Magpie
Deida 1: Christmas Survivors!
Deida 1: Two heads are better than one !
Deida 1: A Goose is not just for Christmas!
Deida 1: The Birds
Deida 1: Roll on Winter
Deida 1: Frosty Morning
Deida 1: Carry on Camping! (Lol)
Deida 1: Calm before the storm
Deida 1: Touchdown
Deida 1: Stop staring at me!
Deida 1: On the outlook
Deida 1: Family outing
Deida 1: Linnet ( Carduelis cannabina)
Deida 1: Linnet (Carduelis cannabina )